Through challenging and beautiful life lessons, I’ve grown, healed and discovered my true life’s purpose, which is to help others heal themselves, guiding them to find their true life purpose. As my journey of healing and transformation continues, I have been guided to share through the written word on my Facebook page and blog site, teach yoga, become a Reiki Master and intuitive guide. I also enjoy doing Tarot Card readings for clients. I AM an intuitive lightworker, and my former lives as many different types of healers along with many types of spiritual entities bring knowledge and wisdom to me, assisting in my gifts.

Today’s Reason for Reiki ~ Can help you discover & Shine your Divine Light.

We all need to shine our Divine Light to the world. If you are feeling fearful, angry, depressed or any other energy draining emotion, it can dim your Light. Reiki can help you understand your feelings and help you to release the root cause. We all have these feelings from time to time, but if you become stuck in them, or they recur frequently, your Light becomes shaded. When this happens, it’s time to discover why to help you raise your energy/vibration/frequency to help you Shine your Divine Light. The more of us who Shine our Light to the World, the more we can lift everyone up into a more Loving and Harmonious space.

Let’s all Brighten and Shine our Divine Light! 🙏💖🌟 ~ Heather

Appointments still available this month! Email me to schedule yours ~

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