Through challenging and beautiful life lessons, I’ve grown, healed and discovered my true life’s purpose, which is to help others heal themselves, guiding them to find their true life purpose. As my journey of healing and transformation continues, I have been guided to share through the written word on my Facebook page and blog site, teach yoga, become a Reiki Master and intuitive guide. I also enjoy doing Tarot Card readings for clients. I AM an intuitive lightworker, and my former lives as many different types of healers along with many types of spiritual entities bring knowledge and wisdom to me, assisting in my gifts.

Embolden and empower yourself through stillness.

Praying Mantis remains very still, waiting with great patience for it’s next meal. It is completely motionless in it’s hunt, blending into it’s surroundings, until the time it acts.

The world “mantis” comes from a Greek word meaning “Prophet”. And, we have the “Praying” which in terms of this creature, both looks like it is “praying” but it is also waiting for it’s “prey”.

Praying Mantis can teach us stillness, and in that stillness, we go within, as we still our mind chatter. Or, for some of us, we simply watch the thoughts as they come and go, not attaching to them, until we get to a point where the thoughts are simply not in our awareness, which takes practice. Our stillness is in prayer, meditation, focused intentions, or even sleep & dreams. When we “pray” we ask, when we “meditate” we listen.

When we can connect with our inner self, our sacred heart or Divine Core, we can hear the messages from our soul, higher self or Spirit. We can hear our own inner “prophet”, become our own “seer”, and increase our intuition and psychic gifts. Thus, we follow our own inner guidance, without “outside noise”. Then, we can act, on it, which is our “prey”. We all “hunt” or seek out what our true purpose is, yet when we go within, we can find it.

This powerful way brings us a boldness and confidence that we are our own best wise one. Yes, it’s okay to check with others, to seek other’s wisdom and knowledge through their experience to see if it resonates with you. And, how do you know if it resonates with you? It feels like Truth, and when in your stillness, it feels “right”, then you are “hearing” or “knowing” the message and guidance from your higher Divine self/Soul/Spirit. We are ALL ONE, even though we are ONE of the WHOLE.

Interestingly, the day I saw the Praying Mantis, I had just come back from my “power walk” (basically fast walking for exercise). During my walks, I tend to do my mediations, intentions and general healing for myself and others. Sometimes I get distracted by nature, or others on their walks saying hello, or stopping to pet a dog. I do go back to what I was doing, yet my strongest message is to meditate and so the healing and intentions work in stillness. I know I need to practice more stillness. Thank you Praying Manyis for this message!

Let’s all embolden and empower ourselves through stillness! 🙏💖🌟 ~ Heather

I AM here to help others on their spiritual and healing soul journey! Contact me at, or if in the USA, text me at 440-864-0156.