Through challenging and beautiful life lessons, I’ve grown, healed and discovered my true life’s purpose, which is to help others heal themselves, guiding them to find their true life purpose. As my journey of healing and transformation continues, I have been guided to share through the written word on my Facebook page and blog site, teach yoga, become a Reiki Master and intuitive guide. I also enjoy doing Tarot Card readings for clients. I AM an intuitive lightworker, and my former lives as many different types of healers along with many types of spiritual entities bring knowledge and wisdom to me, assisting in my gifts.


Today’s SSA!

In the current global state we find ourselves, it is important to remember that we have really never known what the future may bring. We can plan for our future with hope, love and peace, yet we only know the moment we are in. So, be in that moment. Show Loving Kindness and Compassion to everyone around you. Recognize your blessings and give thanks for them. Find the people and activities that bring you joy and DO them. Look for those who are helping others, and do your best to do what you can to help. Be the example of Divine Love & Light in this world.

Shine!! 🌟💖


* Please let me know how I may help you! See my “Heather’s Heart Waves” for my offer: