Through challenging and beautiful life lessons, I’ve grown, healed and discovered my true life’s purpose, which is to help others heal themselves, guiding them to find their true life purpose. As my journey of healing and transformation continues, I have been guided to share through the written word on my Facebook page and blog site, teach yoga, become a Reiki Master and intuitive guide. I also enjoy doing Tarot Card readings for clients. I AM an intuitive lightworker, and my former lives as many different types of healers along with many types of spiritual entities bring knowledge and wisdom to me, assisting in my gifts.


Stay Grounded while being in a higher consciousness.

Giraffe Wisdom. Like the Giraffe, we need to have both feet firmly planted on the ground, while also raising up to see from a higher perspective, perceptions and even different realms and realities. Giraffe can see far into the distance. Combining the higher realities with this higher perception can allow us to see into our own future. We can tune into our inner compass with this higher perspective, helping us on our soul journey, walking the direction we are intended to go on the path meant for us….the path our soul has already chosen.

We are meant to live this human life, being grounded in our own authenticity. Our authenticity stems from our soul’s purpose, our beliefs, our gifts and our true heart’s desires. Connecting the higher consciousness and into the higher vibrational energies of the Divine with the human mind provides us the information we require to move intentionally, mindfully and in our best interests. It essentially tells us what is coming and what to do about it. Now, it is important to note, the use of the word “mind” is not intended to denote your brain. It is your whole Being. Our minds exist in our brain, but also in our entire physical body and outside of our physical body in our energetic light fields, including emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, karmic, etheric, causal and so on. For instance, our bodies will send a pain signal to our brain. It is the physical mind working for our best interests to help us help ourselves.

Let’s say this pain is in our lower back.  It could be arthritis, spinal mis-alignment, or perhaps disc issues.  The physical manifestation is an energetic issue we need to address. We may take pain killers, or see a chiropractor.  This helps to tend to the physical pain.  However, this does not dig deep into the issue of why it manifested in the first place.  Our lower backs help support our core. We may have pain here because we do not feel supported, or are worried about being supported. We may be carrying around issues from past lives when we weren’t supported, and after multiple lives with this issue, the energy manifested as a physical dis-ease to really make us aware of the issue so we can work on healing it.  The lower back area is also near our sacral chakra.  Our sacral chakra is about passions and creativity.  You may not be living your passions or using your creative gifts.  You may have issues around sexual intimacy from this life or past lives. Again, the physical manifestation is a clue to the underlying issue to be healed. Therefore, staying grounded in the now, while rising into the higher consciousness allows us to access our intuition to help us understand the issue which caused this manifestation in our best interests to learn the soul lesson.

Our best interests are those life lessons and situations to help us heal from the past, bringing us more awareness and wisdom to transform and awaken further into higher energetic vibrations. Each of these energetic light bodies, encapsulate our combined past and past lives, and anything which manifests in our consciousness, or our minds, as thoughts, words or feelings, is something we need to be aware of, attend to and discover the underlying issue of where it began to allow us to release and heal it so we can transform and awaken. The more we are able to do this, the more we will ascend to the higher vibrations and consciousness levels. The grounding effect is being aware of our total Being within the knowledge we are Light, we are a soul, we are Divine and this is where the higher consciousness exists. This is where our souls want us to Be.

If I may be of assistance, Reiki energy sessions can help you on your path to being grounded in a higher consciousness level and reality. In the sessions, I connect to your energy, assisting you in being aware, mindful and open to discovering and understanding your situations and issues meant to help you in your healing journey. This can jumpstart you and your intuition or add to your energy to help you “Become Soulfully Empowered™”.

Namaste! <3 ~ Heather

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