Hello! I wrote the article (see link below) for The Wellness Universe, and thought my followers would also enjoy it. I am happy to assist you in your personal shifts through Reiki Energy, Akashic Records, Tarot Cards and/or Intuitive Guidance. Happy New Year and...
Recently I have been considering the true meaning behind the statement “Speaking your Truth”. Since I have been working on both healing and removing past karma to ascend, many new thoughts about life, circumstances, experiences and people have been...
Hello to all my blog followers! I am pleased to announce I am starting a newsletter via this blog (for now). When the blog says, “Heather’s Happenings Month Year”, (for instance: Heather’s Happenings February 2019), you will be able to...
Starting July 12, we have three eclipses, each two weeks apart. We typically only have two eclipses, but this summer we have three! This is a powerful time of transformation with many different planetary alignments. In the first half of the year, you may have felt...
2018 delivers a powerful energetic opportunity to help you manifest and more! 2018 is a Master 11 year and a 2 year. Saturn is back in it’s home of Capricorn for nearly the next 3 years. We have an 11:11:11 power day in 2018! We’ll have Retrograde for more...
Stay Grounded while being in a higher consciousness. Giraffe Wisdom. Like the Giraffe, we need to have both feet firmly planted on the ground, while also raising up to see from a higher perspective, perceptions and even different realms and realities. Giraffe can see...
I’m an honored member of The Wellness Universe! We are working towards bringing more Love, Light, Wellness & Positive Change to ALL. If you would like to co-create with us, visit the site for more information ~
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If you find the inspiration, wisdom and guidance I provide helpful, please consider a Love Donation. Namaste! ~ Heather
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