Nature is resilient, and so are you.
Mother Nature has shown us how resilient She can be during this current global situation. While many people have been at home, She has thrived. She will always survive, but she has thrived. Cleaner and clearer water and air being reported. We see reports of dolphins returning to the Canals of Italy; sea turtles returning to nest on empty public beaches; the clearing skies above industrialized cities; more wild animals being seen; the coming together of family and friend time (although virtual) increasing; and a litany of other benefits. Remove the bulk of the pollution, and look what happens!
(This in no way distracts from the issues of increased home violence issues, or abuse, or poverty…it has in some instances increased the awareness of it, as more people are speaking out and working towards helping with these issues, as it has helped strengthen our communities through compassion and understanding.)
Now, remember, you are Human Nature, and you are also resilient. Where in your personal life can you remove pollution to help yourself become cleaner and clearer? Perhaps turning towards more organic foods or non-toxic cleaning products (home & body). Perhaps removing pollution from your energetic bodies through Reiki, yoga or other modality. Perhaps realizing now is the time you wish to heal old emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual wounds. This is a wonderful time to find a new way of living and being, as you are resilient, you are Human Nature and you are a soul living as a Human Being.
I have found myself doing even more energetic work with and for myself and others. It’s helped me get through this time even more powerfully without a “job” by helping me to connect more fully into my soul and recognize even more deeply that we are ALL part of the Divine endless supply of energy, abundance and love, while becoming healthier mind, body and soul.
Let’s ALL cleanse and clear! 💖 ~ Heather
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