Through challenging and beautiful life lessons, I’ve grown, healed and discovered my true life’s purpose, which is to help others heal themselves, guiding them to find their true life purpose. As my journey of healing and transformation continues, I have been guided to share through the written word on my Facebook page and blog site, teach yoga, become a Reiki Master and intuitive guide. I also enjoy doing Tarot Card readings for clients. I AM an intuitive lightworker, and my former lives as many different types of healers along with many types of spiritual entities bring knowledge and wisdom to me, assisting in my gifts.

It’s time to bloom. 

Have you been wanting to try something new? Are you being led to do something you have always wanted to try? Do feel like you need to create something? Have you been considering doing something different? Or perhaps you finally have the time to learn something else or do what you always wish you had the time to do. Now is the time to do it, now is the time for you to bloom. It’s time to bloom something new! 

“Bloom where you are planted.” (Unknown source.) Well, we have been planted at home. So, what can you do that’s new? What have you been planning on doing? What can you do to help yourself or someone else? 

I finally updated my website, which I may have mentioned, but I’ve wanted to do it for over 8 years! A kind friend helped me get started (thank you Sheila Franzen), and then it was up to me. I’m still figuring some things out, but I do like what I have so far! (Check it out and let me know ~ I’ve also introduced a couple new packages, and I’m still offering services for love donations at this time, as I’d love to help you!

I’ve always wanted to expand my clients, and I have time to do it, with more time to talk to people, create posts and so on. I’m working on my blooming business! (Yes, for those who get the double entendre!). I’m very excited in that I have had quite a number of new clients over the past week or so, plus some new ones coming up next week for both Reiki and Akashic Records. Plus, considering a few other things to add in when the timing is right, as we all now there is Divine Timing and Divine Order. 

Bloom something up! 🌸💖🌟~ Heather