Age of Aquarius…Begins

Age of Aquarius…Begins

Are we just beginning the actual Age of Aquarius? Some astrologers believe this is the case. However, we do have massive energy shifts in the cosmos, and it’s reflected by the Schumann Resonance, which measures the earth’s energy. (A few resources below...
Journey Inward

Journey Inward

Akashic Records Wisdom ~ “The most important journey is the one inward.” The most important journey is the one towards your soul. Each day we are given options to more closer or further away from our true purpose, authenticity & soul mission. It is...
Today’s SSA

Today’s SSA

Today’s SSA ~ Remember it’s all about Love for ALL. We all need to remember, life is about Love. It’s about Love for ALL. The “ALL” includes everyone. Everyone is all the people that cut you off in traffic, the ones who may glare at you...
Sun-LIGHT Blessings

Sun-LIGHT Blessings

Embolden and empower yourself through stillness. Praying Mantis remains very still, waiting with great patience for it’s next meal. It is completely motionless in it’s hunt, blending into it’s surroundings, until the time it acts. The world...
Sun-LIGHT Blessings ~ Ladybug

Sun-LIGHT Blessings ~ Ladybug

Sun-LIGHT Blessings ~ Ladybug On my walk yesterday, I glanced down to ensure I wasn’t stepping into little crevices or holes on the path, and saw a ladybug on my right knee. At the time I was doing my walking meditation, including sending healing to the world,...