Mandala Energy 4

Mandala Energy 4

We have another powerful energy that I channeled into the coloring of this mandala! Felt it all over my throat and solar plexus areas, which is exactly what blue (throat) and yellow (solar plexus) represent.  Our throats can be very constricted in this lifetime...
Sun-LIGHT Blessings ~ Baby Grasshopper

Sun-LIGHT Blessings ~ Baby Grasshopper

Today’s Sun-LIGHT Blessings ~ Baby Grasshopper Over the weekend, while I was sitting outside enjoying some coffee on a chilly morning, the tiniest little lime green creature jumped onto my forearm. I was wearing a dark charcoal sweatshirt. I figured it was a...
Today’s SSA: June 10, 2020

Today’s SSA: June 10, 2020

Today’s SSA!  Observe, not absorb. We have so much going on in the world today. When we start to feel upset, fear, agitation, or any number of these intense “negative” feelings, it’s time to step back and determine whether these feelings...