New Year Blessings!

New Year Blessings!

Twenty-Twenty is now done, Hopefully you had some fun. Lots of learning all around, And many ways we have found, To create new thoughts & more wisdom, Now looking back with clearer vision, Letting go of what’s no longer needed, Finding new ideas that have been...
Today’s SSA

Today’s SSA

Today’s SSA ~ Be honorable. Have integrity. Honor encompasses being truthful, with respect. It is also about being proud of yourself, yet with humility. Integrity is having high morals and ethics, and being this way even when you are alone. Exuding honor and...
Voices of the Light May 19, 2020

Voices of the Light May 19, 2020

A simple message for today…. Be LIGHT and Be LOVE.  ?? If you enjoy my content, Love Donations are always appreciated ~ Love Donations