Through challenging and beautiful life lessons, I’ve grown, healed and discovered my true life’s purpose, which is to help others heal themselves, guiding them to find their true life purpose. As my journey of healing and transformation continues, I have been guided to share through the written word on my Facebook page and blog site, teach yoga, become a Reiki Master and intuitive guide. I also enjoy doing Tarot Card readings for clients. I AM an intuitive lightworker, and my former lives as many different types of healers along with many types of spiritual entities bring knowledge and wisdom to me, assisting in my gifts.


We all need our support systems.

We require physical, mental and emotional support. We require spiritual support. Support for our opinions, beliefs and feelings. Each individual requires support in all the stages of life. As infants we need our head supported, to be fed, changed and clothed. As we grow, we need support as we learn to crawl and then walk. We need classes and training to support our education. When participating in sports or team events our team mates, coaches and audience support us. During daily life, assisting each other at work, or with home chores is support of one another.

Relationships with others and the proper way to interact with different personalities is another way we can support each other. Sharing our own experiences and stories helps in this fashion. Learning acceptance and discernment, awareness and openness are all things we can do to help our selves and others, as we can be supportive without criticism or judgment.

We also need others to help us learn how to cultivate self-worth, self-confidence, self-love and more. We need to help others in all of these areas, while others are also helping us. Sometimes these lessons are easy and at times they are extremely challenging, as we learn more and more about our selves and the way we may be acting or reacting to another person or situation. In these instances working with a Reiki Master, Life Coach or Counselor can be very helpful, and these professionals are providing you the support you need.

We need to truly understand the type of support which may be required for us and of us. At any given time, we may need a teacher, a coach, a friend or a mentor. Maybe we need family to help us understand love of one another regardless of mistakes and problems. Maybe we need friends to offer advice, but perhaps we simply need them to be a sounding board, to listen to us while we talk it out and figure it out by our selves. Perhaps we need an intuitive guide, showing empathy and helping us to determine how to heal, release and grow.

It is important to discern what type of support we need, and what others need. Sometimes the support type is very clear, and sometimes we need to ask how we can help someone. We need to comprehend our way of needing support may not necessarily be someone else’s way, therefore, a simple question allows us to supply what is needed. Understanding of each other and our own and others’ needs provides us a better way to be kind and compassionate with unconditional Love. It allows us to step back and simply be the support system without being upset someone may not be following our guidance because it may not resonate with them at that time. It may later, and it may not, but we need to detach from the circumstance, and remember, we are all walking very different paths on our unique journeys. In those instances where the type of support is not readily apparent, and sometimes even if it is, a simple “how can I support you?” may be the key to offering and being the type of support truly needed at that time.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing both people in my life who have not known how to support me, and those who do know or simply asked “What can I do for you?” Some who have listened, some who have offered advice, yet through it all continued to show their support and love. I’ve had others who have become frustrated with me and seemingly abandoned me. I have had those who judge my decisions and those who accept them. I have had those who have jeered me and those who have cheered me.  In the end, I’ve learned something from each person, instance and treatment.  I’ve been able to still work through my issues, with the support of those around me who stuck with me.  And, being that type of person is the kind of support we all would like and need, regardless if we are able to help the other person “fix” the issue, or not, whether or not we offer or give advice which is taken or not at the time. We need to realize offering support that the other person needs is not about us, it is about them and what they need.  We are simply meant to be here to support others in any way they need with Love. And, in return, we will find others learn from us and become the support we need, whether they leave our lives, stay or return in some fashion. Support is all about learning and growth for everyone involved.

I’d be honored to support you in any way you may require.  Contact me at for a consultation or to book an appointment.

If you follow my blog you’ll be included in the next 1st of the month Group Distant Reiki Session for free! All you need to do is intend to be included, and when ready, receive the energy after the 1st of the month.



Reiki Master, Akashic Record & Tarot/Oracle Card Reader, Intuitive Guide, Yoga Instructor, Ordained Minister, Co-Creator of Positive Change in The Wellness Universe, Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

“Awaken a more brilliant version of you™”
