Sun-Light Blessings ~ Beaver
Well, this was a treat! I rarely see beavers, and this one was along a road by the railroad tracks. I saw him after dropping off my parents groceries earlier this week. My Mom had just asked me whether I was going to move in with them, considering my current financial situation. (If you have been following me, you know I was laid off in March from the restaurant I worked at and they haven’t reopened the dining area yet. Yes, I have lots of lovely new clients, yet not enough yet to fully support myself…but it’s getting there! ). It made me sad that they are so worried about me, because their worry affects their health.
Then I saw Beaver on my way home. His main message is about building your dreams. Well, that is exactly what I am doing, as I know Spirit wants me to be doing my healing and spiritual work exclusively (also knowing I need more income .) Anyway, this filled my heart with hope, even though I was teary eyed about my parents. I realized my tears were cleansing away their sadness for me that I have been carrying around. I did cry for a good part of the evening, letting it all wash away.
Interestingly, Beaver is about water and emotions, too! And, close knit families. I have always been very close to my family, particularly my parents over the past 5 years, as they were the only ones who wanted to do anything on my days off from the restaurant (Sunday & Tuesday!). I know many of us are facing some potent emotions lately, and many are in a similar situation to me. I am grateful to have such wonderful, loving family and friends who have been there for me, and are assisting me in any way they can.
Beavers are master home builders, and I have been working on my intentions for my home, and my life, so this was quite a lovely message to receive, as well. And, part of my dream is owning a home (preferably on the Atlantic Ocean). Beaver shows up to help us create our most beloved dreams, and I’m more than willing to learn. I’m continuing to hold faith, and trust in Spirit, the Universe and myself to get to where I know I need to be. Are you ready to learn and trust?
My healing and spiritual work has been paramount these past 6 months, and truly helped me be peaceful and balanced in these circumstances and current normal. I’d love to help you feel the same way! Email me ~ Heather@NamasteRays.com
Let’s all manifest our dreams! ~ Heather
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