2018 delivers a powerful energetic opportunity to help you manifest and more! 2018 is a Master 11 year and a 2 year. Saturn is back in it’s home of Capricorn for nearly the next 3 years. We have an 11:11:11 power day in 2018! We’ll have Retrograde for more...
Stay Grounded while being in a higher consciousness. Giraffe Wisdom. Like the Giraffe, we need to have both feet firmly planted on the ground, while also raising up to see from a higher perspective, perceptions and even different realms and realities. Giraffe can see...
I penned “Understanding our Soul Contracts” blog for The Wellness Universe, which is more information on understanding our soul purpose and learning lessons from soul contracts and connections. Akashic Records Readings are a wonderful way to determine if...
New beginnings start with an open heart. Many of us are wishing for new beginnings, yet we are still living yesterday’s beliefs. Or, we may be blocking ourselves in some way by not understanding or speaking our inner truth. Or perhaps we are not healing from the...
Awaken with openness and awareness. Awakening involves being open to all experiences, beliefs, ideas and opinions with awareness of the self and the world. Awakening is taking the time to discover the underlying truths not being spoken or broadcast and how they affect...
I am honored to have written this blog especially for The Wellness Universe! Astrologically, energetically and numerology wise, this September is THE month for releasing the old resentments, anger, hurts, pains, jealousies and more. Next year, we move into a One year,...
I’m an honored member of The Wellness Universe! We are working towards bringing more Love, Light, Wellness & Positive Change to ALL. If you would like to co-create with us, visit the site for more information ~
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