Positivity is contagious. Let’s repeat that: POSITIVITY IS CONTAGIOUS. Look for the positivity in ALL situations, no matter how “dire” they may seem. I am one of the millions which was laid off from a great job, which provided me the ability to pay...
Today’s sun-LIGHT blessings: I went for a walk outside today. It was sunny, but still cool. When I left, there was one other gal who I kept passing, and each time we would either wave or smile at each other. What a blessing to see a kind soul. I also saw...
Remember, you are ONE with Mother Nature, YOU are Human Nature. Happy Earth Day on this very special 50th anniversary, WITH a New Moon in Taurus AND a 4-4-4 energetic gateway. WOW. So, what does all this mean? Earth Day is our Day to celebrate our...
Release the need to control to find peace. Where in your life do you feel the need to control? Are you demanding things be your way? Getting upset when things don’t go your way? Fearful because you think life “should” be a way you want? Let...
Coincidence and serendipity are messages for us. Observe and be mindful of your feelings, thoughts and actions when a coincidence happens, or something feels like serendipity. If you are thinking of whether or not to do something, call someone or even make a big...
Your imagination is a powerful tool for creation. Use your imagination daily, and sometimes a few times per day, to visualize what you desire in your life. You can do it in mediation, or simply by “thinking” about all the things you wish would happen....
I’m an honored member of The Wellness Universe! We are working towards bringing more Love, Light, Wellness & Positive Change to ALL. If you would like to co-create with us, visit the site for more information ~
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