Beliefs Create Reality

Beliefs Create Reality

Everything in your life is the reality you created by your beliefs & experiences.     If you wish to change your reality, change your beliefs. Changing our beliefs involves investigating why we have those beliefs and where they began. Opening yourself up...
Character Foundation

Character Foundation

Your true character is more important than other’s perceptions, as it is the strength of your foundation. Like a suspension bridge, our outer appearance is what others see, and it depends on the perspective. Driving across the bridge, you do not see the posts into the...
True Loving Friendship

True Loving Friendship

True unconditional friendship and love includes honesty with integrity. Friendship and love without integrity is not true or unconditional. Integrity is the cornerstone of being your authentic self, helping to cultivate real and true relationships. It is about being...
Unleash your Power

Unleash your Power

I know I’m not the only one who has been mesmerized by the animated film, “Frozen”, nor the only one who has written about it. (For some reason, it hit me that I needed to write about it now, so here it is!)  So many wonderful songs, yet in...
Your Shining Shadow

Your Shining Shadow

Messages of Light & Love have been abundant these past several years.  With messages of Love yourself, Heal yourself, Shine from within and Balance your male and female energies.  Many of us are hearing these messages, understanding, awakening and ascending.  We...