Today’s Reason for Reiki

Today’s Reason for Reiki

Today’s Reason for Reiki: Can help you find acceptance. The acceptance of the way things are now can be key to flowing with life in an easier manner. Acceptance does not mean you like what is happening, it simply allows you to perceive it in a different manner....
Akashic Records Wisdom 9/2/2020

Akashic Records Wisdom 9/2/2020

Akashic Records Wisdom ~ It’s time to access the ancient wisdom of your soul. We are ancient souls, on our personal soul journeys, learning and teaching with soul contracts and connections. Within us, we have access to the wisdom of all of our past lives, our...
Today’s Reason for Reiki

Today’s Reason for Reiki

Today’s Reason for Reiki ~ Can help raise your vibration and frequency. Remember, we are energetic beings, living in an energetic world. When we absorb energies that lower our vibration or frequency, we can feel “down” or “tired” or...
Mandala Energy 7

Mandala Energy 7

I colored this one yesterday for our New Moon in Leo. We still have this brilliant new moon energy for a couple of days, as it was only about 12 hours ago. It took about 4 hours, so there is a lot of energy channeled into this one.  It’s to help attract...
Voices of the Light ~ I Corinthians

Voices of the Light ~ I Corinthians

Today’s Voices of the Light from I Corinthians.  It is so important in these times to remember we are Love, and to shine Love upon All. Remember Hope, and carry it with you always, all ways. And, have Faith in yourself, your higher power and in those around you....