Spiral of Life

Spiral of Life

The spiral of life circles us around to what we need. We are here for our soul mission, to live as a human being, doing what we need to do to allow our soul to wholly evolve. Within life, to fully thrive, we must live and follow our soul mission & purpose through...

New Moon Gateway in Scorpio 11:11

I’m honored to be featured in this blog with video by Mitchell Osborn! We have an exceptionally powerful gateway on November 11, 2015, with the added energies of a new moon. This day brings an incredible opportunity for new beginnings and to amplify our...
Embrace Change

Embrace Change

Embrace your changes with a de-LIGHT-full attitude.  Change is meant to help us transform our being into a stronger, better & wiser version of ourselves. It’s meant to assist our awakening & evolving into an even more beautiful expression of our selves &...


Shine complete acceptance & appreciation on ALL Beings. To create a World of Unity & Harmony we must practice completely accepting and appreciating everyone and all beings, including ourselves. Our differences are simply differences, and each person is...
How Can Reiki Energy Help you?

How Can Reiki Energy Help you?

I’m ab-SOUL-utely de-LIGHT-ed to be featured today on The Wellness Universe. Please see the link below for the blog I wrote. I would sincerely appreciate it if you have a few moments to read and make any comments.  Or if you have had a session from me, a...