Twenty-Twenty is now done,
Hopefully you had some fun.
Lots of learning all around,
And many ways we have found,
To create new thoughts & more wisdom,
Now looking back with clearer vision,
Letting go of what’s no longer needed,
Finding new ideas that have been seeded.
So, here is Twenty-Twenty One,
With new dreams and hopes to come,
We celebrate with anticipation,
A brand new year of revelation.
May all of us continue striving,
To live a good life with all thriving,
Spreading Light through and through,
To the many, not the few.
May all new dreams manifest,
Coming true, so we are blessed,
Thoughts of travel and vacations,
Time with others, raising vibrations,
In person hugs, hand shakes or kisses,
And unity being our ultimate mission.
So, remember to trust and to believe
Whenever you give, you also receive.
Plus, here’s more blessings for all here,
And worldwide for this new year:
May all of you have perfect health,
And recognize all your wealth,
May you be incredibly kind,
With calm and peace in your mind.
May you eternally have in your heart,
Harmony, bliss and joy to impart.
And may you trust you are quite whole,
With Unconditional Love in your soul.
Blessings of Love & Light ~ Heather

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