Through challenging and beautiful life lessons, I’ve grown, healed and discovered my true life’s purpose, which is to help others heal themselves, guiding them to find their true life purpose. As my journey of healing and transformation continues, I have been guided to share through the written word on my Facebook page and blog site, teach yoga, become a Reiki Master and intuitive guide. I also enjoy doing Tarot Card readings for clients. I AM an intuitive lightworker, and my former lives as many different types of healers along with many types of spiritual entities bring knowledge and wisdom to me, assisting in my gifts.

You are free to create the destiny you wish to live.  Slide1
You have free will, and as such, are not the victim of your circumstances. You have the key to unlock the potential within you, by removing limiting thoughts, and not defining yourself by your mistakes, fears, vulnerabilities, weaknesses and/or scars. You are free to unburden yourself of these and of any victimhood mentality you may have. You have the ability to open your own doors and fly free. You have the power within you to release what may be burdening you.

You were born to live a full, happy life, with friends, fun and family. You are here to live your purpose, part of which is releasing old baggage we have been carrying around for lifetimes. It is through this process you can create the life you wish to live. Do you wish to be happy? Do you wish to be loving? Do you wish to be kind, compassionate and understanding? Do you wish to create prosperity? Do you wish to have an intimate partner to share your life? Do you wish to have a solid family? Do you wish to create your own business? All of these things are within your reach. You simply need to let go of the illusions of your self-imposed limitations. Discover why you have had the life you have had and release it. Explore why you may have made a mistake and learn from it so you can grow into a better version of you.

Everything is for a reason. Nothing in our lives are to punish us from a mistake in this lifetime or another. Explore the illusions of lack and fear, and let them go.  Carrying around guilt, shame, jealousy, angers, worry, anxiety and any other lower vibrational feelings bring on distress and illness. They bring the immune systems down. They keep you from living the enormous potential which is everyone’s Divine right.

Remember, energy attracts like energy.  It doesn’t matter if humans define the energy as “good” or “bad”.  The Universe recognizes only energy.  Your thoughts & feelings are energy. Your words are energy. Your actions are energy. If you think or believe you are somehow flawed, you will attract situations and experiences which continue to fuel that belief.  However, if you think or believe you are wonderful, you will attract that type of energy.  If you believe you are loving and beautiful, this is the energy you are attracting. This is not ego-driven beauty or love.  This is Divine self-love, self-worth, self-confidence and self-respect. Our energy creates our life. Our repetitive patterns are signals to us to either continue doing what we are doing, or to change it if we do not like the kind of life we have been living.

Recognize and be aware of the incredible being you are and the amazing things you can manifest. Remember, the fear is way worse than the reality. Let the fear go, face the reality and allow yourself to transform into the person you wish to be, the person you know you can be, and live your fullest life creating and manifesting all of your dreams. I believe in you….it is time for you to believe in you, too.

If you would like guidance in your life transforming endeavors, I would be honored to help you.


If you wish to follow my blog, you will be included in the next monthly group Reiki energy session, given on the 1st of the following month. You only need to intend to be included to receive the energy when you are ready. The energy will then flow to you, helping you in any way you currently need for your soul mission.