Reiki is… Reiki is an energy channeling and exchange technique. This healing energy can be channeled from many different avenues, including but not limited to the earth, spirit and universe. Everything and everyone has energy and exchanges energy in some fashion all...
Discernment is about recognizing and pursuing which of the endless and infinite possibilities are for your highest good. In the Divine realm, there are endless and infinite possibilities. When we recognize this and are open to receiving them, we must also understand...
Bring your thoughts, actions and words into alignment with your highest self. Your highest self is in direct connection with the Divine One Light and is part of the One Source. This Divine Light, the One Source of ALL, is called by many names, such as God,...
Unity is about embracing, understanding and accepting both similarities and differences. To be in union with others doesn’t mean we have to be exactly like any other, mimic anyone or conform to anyone. It doesn’t entail uniformity. Unity is bringing all...
When you take responsibility for yourself, your life will change. Many of us are just “going through the motions” of every day life. We are doing what is expected of us, versus what’s truly in our best interests. From jobs to family, we are following...
All paths lead back to your spiritual center, reminding you to break free from your own restrictions into growth and transformation. Our higher selves are guiding us along our paths, nudging us to find and connect with our spiritual centers. Within our spiritual...
I’m an honored member of The Wellness Universe! We are working towards bringing more Love, Light, Wellness & Positive Change to ALL. If you would like to co-create with us, visit the site for more information ~
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