The Lion’s Gate 8.8.8

The Lion’s Gate 8.8.8

I wrote the following blog (see link below) about The Lion’s Gate for The Wellness Universe.  There is also a video by fellow member, Mitchell Osborn. These potent and powerful energies are to help us with our ascension by assisting humankind to manifest our...
Morals are Adjustable

Morals are Adjustable

Sometimes we need to adjust the definition of our morals.  What are our morals? Our ethics? It’s what we believe is right. But, what is right? Is anything truly right? It may be right for you at that moment. It might be right for someone else but doesn’t...
Thoughts Shape Reality

Thoughts Shape Reality

Be mindful of your thoughts as they are shaping your reality. Our minds are extremely powerful tools in creating our lives. If we continue to think we are not enough, we won’t be. If we obsess about not being beautiful, we won’t appear that way to others....
Focus on Your Strengths for Self-Confidence

Focus on Your Strengths for Self-Confidence

Cultivating self-confidence involves focusing on your own lovely strengths. Comparing ourselves to others is a fruitless endeavor. We are all uniquely blessed with our own special abilities. Comparing leads us to be focusing on other people’s gifts versus our...
Align with your Higher Self

Align with your Higher Self

Bring your thoughts, actions and words into alignment with your highest self.     Your highest self is in direct connection with the Divine One Light and is part of the One Source. This Divine Light, the One Source of ALL, is called by many names, such as God,...
Responsibility for Self

Responsibility for Self

When you take responsibility for yourself, your life will change. Many of us are just “going through the motions” of every day life. We are doing what is expected of us, versus what’s truly in our best interests. From jobs to family, we are following...