Reiki 101

Reiki 101

My dear friend, Sloan Rawlins, asked me for information regarding Reiki Healing and then included my words in her blog this past week.  I’m delighted to be have offered her readers this wonderful information and wanted to share it with all of you, as well. I...
Expect & Accept the Very Best

Expect & Accept the Very Best

During the past few weeks it was become increasingly clear to me to practice positive thinking more and more.  (And I apologize for not being able to blog every week as I have had time to do before as these past weeks were very busy in many different aspects.)  It is...
Be Fully Alive

Be Fully Alive

  Viewing each day as a day to be fully alive in the moment you have allows you to experience every moment to truly Be. The new moon today is a black moon, so named because it’s the second one in March.  And, it’s in Aries, which is the beginning of...
Relationship Mirrors

Relationship Mirrors

What do you see when you look in a mirror?  What do others see?  Most importantly, what do you see in others which reflects you?  As infants grow, they imitate the parents, older siblings and others in their life.  And most of us find this incredibly interesting and...
Love Makes the Ride Worthwhile

Love Makes the Ride Worthwhile

Happy Valentine’s Day, Namaste Rays News Readers! “Love isn’t what makes the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones To have Love in your Heart, means to have Love in your World. Having Love in...
Power through Choices

Power through Choices

Do you often find yourself saying “I don’t have the time to do what I truly want to do?”  If you don’t have enough “time”, then what are you doing with the time you have?  Enough time exists for you to do exactly as you choose to...