Earth Day 2016

Earth Day 2016

Make every day Earth Day… Human Nature & Mother Nature go hand-in-hand. Humans are part of Nature. What we do to Mother Nature, we do to ourselves. What we do to ourselves, we do to Mother Nature. If you pollute Mother Nature, you are polluting yourself and...
Always be Respectful

Always be Respectful

Always be respectful, as you truly do not know what others may be experiencing.  As you move through your day, show kindness and respect to ALL you encounter. Co-workers, clients, strangers, friends, and family members ~ particularly with those whom you live. You...
Strength & Balance in Relationships

Strength & Balance in Relationships

Relationships require strength & balance. Our most intimate relationships require strength, as for those we deeply love, can and will go through ups and downs, causing the relationship to also do the same. It takes strength of the heart, mind & soul, to...
We are ALL Peace, Love & Joy.

We are ALL Peace, Love & Joy.

Hello Namaste Rays News-Worthy Readers!  I’m incredibly honored to have another blog featured on today.  In the spirit of the holidays, The Wellness Universe is featuring a holiday themed blog post each day this week.  I’d be...
Give Wellness for the Holidays

Give Wellness for the Holidays

To help unite and balance this world in love, wellness, abundance and harmony, let’s support small & local business this holiday season, and through-out the year. Unity begins by helping and supporting each other in any and all ways, always.  Balancing is...

New Moon Gateway in Scorpio 11:11

I’m honored to be featured in this blog with video by Mitchell Osborn! We have an exceptionally powerful gateway on November 11, 2015, with the added energies of a new moon. This day brings an incredible opportunity for new beginnings and to amplify our...