The process of being human includes rediscovering the beauty of your soul. The way we have been brought up is sometimes not in the Light of our own Souls. We may have been in situations which have caused us to douse our own Light in fear, guilt or anxiety. It may...
You have the courage, strength & power within you to do whatever it is you desire. Once you have discovered your true life path, you will begin to realize you have within you everything you need to create it. You have courage to step out of your comfort zone,...
Your true character is more important than other’s perceptions, as it is the strength of your foundation. Like a suspension bridge, our outer appearance is what others see, and it depends on the perspective. Driving across the bridge, you do not see the posts into the...
Deeply and completely understanding ourselves, opens our hearts to self-love. How do we do this? One way is to release old pains and resentments from any type of past relationships, while focusing on why you hold the pain. Realize at the time of the relationship, the...
Step out of other peoples’ lives and into your own. Do not be concerned with what others are or are not doing in any given situation. Whether it’s a friend, co-worker, loved one, or for that matter a complete stranger, we must disconnect from being involved with...
At the beginning of my yoga classes, I remind the attendees of several things, and one of them is “There is no judging or comparing.” I have further explained it from time to time to mean there is no judging or comparing yourself and your poses against...
I’m an honored member of The Wellness Universe! We are working towards bringing more Love, Light, Wellness & Positive Change to ALL. If you would like to co-create with us, visit the site for more information ~
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