We are ALL Peace, Love & Joy.

We are ALL Peace, Love & Joy.

Hello Namaste Rays News-Worthy Readers!  I’m incredibly honored to have another blog featured on www.thewellnessuniverse.com today.  In the spirit of the holidays, The Wellness Universe is featuring a holiday themed blog post each day this week.  I’d be...
Healing and Emotional Reactions

Healing and Emotional Reactions

Emotional reactions provide a starting point where healing can begin. Our emotional reactions are a key area to investigate to start the healing process. Oftentimes, when we have powerful emotional reactions to someone or something, it can be linked back to some type...
Beliefs Create Reality

Beliefs Create Reality

Everything in your life is the reality you created by your beliefs & experiences.     If you wish to change your reality, change your beliefs. Changing our beliefs involves investigating why we have those beliefs and where they began. Opening yourself up...
Thoughts Shape Reality

Thoughts Shape Reality

Be mindful of your thoughts as they are shaping your reality. Our minds are extremely powerful tools in creating our lives. If we continue to think we are not enough, we won’t be. If we obsess about not being beautiful, we won’t appear that way to others....


Discernment is about recognizing and pursuing which of the endless and infinite possibilities are for your highest good. In the Divine realm, there are endless and infinite possibilities. When we recognize this and are open to receiving them, we must also understand...
Spiritual Center

Spiritual Center

All paths lead back to your spiritual center, reminding you to break free from your own restrictions into growth and transformation. Our higher selves are guiding us along our paths, nudging us to find and connect with our spiritual centers. Within our spiritual...